Fallin’ curtains
(ou o disparate final em três actos)
nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita...
you know when you're with someone there's only a very short time when you can really give each other things for free... with neither of you having to ask. because later on, all you do is make demands of each other. perhaps the only difference between her and all the others is that she's asking you for nothing…
e no entanto, ela move-se...
quando ti metterai in viaggio per itaca
devi augurarti che la strada sia lunga,
fertile in avventure e in esperienze…
e se la trovi povera, non per questo itaca ti avrà deluso.
fatto ormai savio, con tutta la tua esperienza addosso
già tu avrai capito ciò che itaca vuole significare...
que habrá tras tu mirada
que tanto oculta y tanto da...
where is it that we will be together?
who are you that i’m seeking to live with?
the woman… the friend…
darkness, light... strife and love…
are they the workings of one mind?
the features of the same face?
there's only one thing a man can do…
find something that's his, and make an island for himself…
if i never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack…
a glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours…
oh, my soul…
let me be in you now…
look out through my eyes…
look out at the things you made…
all things shining…
the program for this evening is not new
you've seen this entertainment through and through
you've seen your birth your life and death
you might recall all of the rest...
os sonhos são como os deuses... se não se acredita neles, deixam de existir...
take care...!
nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita...
you know when you're with someone there's only a very short time when you can really give each other things for free... with neither of you having to ask. because later on, all you do is make demands of each other. perhaps the only difference between her and all the others is that she's asking you for nothing…
e no entanto, ela move-se...
quando ti metterai in viaggio per itaca
devi augurarti che la strada sia lunga,
fertile in avventure e in esperienze…
e se la trovi povera, non per questo itaca ti avrà deluso.
fatto ormai savio, con tutta la tua esperienza addosso
già tu avrai capito ciò che itaca vuole significare...
que habrá tras tu mirada
que tanto oculta y tanto da...
where is it that we will be together?
who are you that i’m seeking to live with?
the woman… the friend…
darkness, light... strife and love…
are they the workings of one mind?
the features of the same face?
there's only one thing a man can do…
find something that's his, and make an island for himself…
if i never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack…
a glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours…
oh, my soul…
let me be in you now…
look out through my eyes…
look out at the things you made…
all things shining…
the program for this evening is not new
you've seen this entertainment through and through
you've seen your birth your life and death
you might recall all of the rest...
os sonhos são como os deuses... se não se acredita neles, deixam de existir...
take care...!