Finite attractor

...what lingered after her was not life, but the most trivial list of mundane facts...

o tempo é o dobro quando a vida corre ao contrário...

I have...

...a mad impulse to throw you down on the lunar surface...

...and commit interstellar perversion with you...!

Beati pauperi spiriti

15 mil assinaturas no malfadado habeas corpus...

confesso que não consigo ver beleza alguma em tamanha pobreza de espirito...

Old kind of kick...

- this morning i was doing a story about an elephant being washed by a midget.

- he's a dwarf...

- it doesn't matter!

- well, it does matter to him...

- ...

- we're all pretty bizarre, you know...? some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all...

- speak for yourself!

- do you think i'd speak for you...? i don't even know your language...

- i'm not daydreaming!

- right. you're not daydreaming. you're sleepwalking...

- what do you care what i think anyway? i don't even count... right? i could disappear forever and it wouldn't make any difference. i might as well not even exist, remember?

- it says so in the bible, though, doesn't it? 'god made man in his own image'.

yeap, but not a specific man...

Midnight express

(saturday night work, the usual stuff...)

- you like noisy music...?
- yes. the louder the better. stops me from thinking...
- you don't like to think, huh...? what do you like...?
- never thought about it...

the things a guy has to put up with to get laid...


- you are so self-righteous, so ego-centric you know. i mean we're just people. we're just human beings, you know? you in turn, with your fuckin' "too good for just one person - should have been born twins" shit, you think you're god!

well... i guess i gotta model myself after someone...

Tabelas dicotómicas

(cheap talk with a friend about a girl that seems that put up with him for more than five minutes... freak show...!)

- pois é, fiquei muito bem impressionado com a tua amiga leonor...
- deu para ver... and then again, só tu é que passas duas horas a fio a falar de política com uma miúda que acabaste de conhecer num sábado à noite...
- vai mamar! se ela não tivesse gostado não tinha ficado aquele tempo todo a falar comigo...!
- tava a ser simpática, parôlo...!
- cheira-me que tás é com dor de côto...!
- (já manifestamente farto da conversa) nem sei se ainda vale a pena ter esperança que um dia chegues a ver a tatuagem que ela tem na nádega esquerda...
- que pulha!!!

cago um pé se este tipo descende da mesma espécie de primatas que eu...!