
you're always makin' big plans for tomorrow...

you know why?

because you're always fuckin' up today...!

you got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something... another life maybe...



i'm still trying to write that love song, you know...?

i guess it's more important to me now that you're gone...

maybe it will prove that we were right...

or forever prove that i was wrong...

desisti de todas as pessoas da minha vida... está a tornar-se um mau hábito...


(o mal de andar de orelhas arrebitadas é ouvir conversas como a que se segue, num desses jantares em que se fala de nada e se disserta sobre tudo... têm a palavras duas comensais...)

- i finally had an orgasm, and my doctor said it was the wrong kind.

- you had the wrong kind? i've never had the wrong kind, ever. even my worst one was right on the money.'re filthy, cute and baby you know it...


and even though i know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star...

it can't rain all the time...


huddled in the safety of a pseudo silk kimono a morning mare rides

in the starless shutters of my eyes

the spirit of a misplaced childhood is rising to speak his mind

to this orphan of heartbreak, disillusioned and scarred

a refugee


and though spiritual seduction might seem more my aim, right now i just want to take off all your clothes and do something dirty to you...


in this world, a man, himself, is nothing

and there ain't no world but this one


there's a time when a man needs to fight...

and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost, the ship has sailed and that only a fool will continue...

the truth is, i've always been a fool...

Choose... whatever...

- então... radical de esquerda como és, tou mesmo a ver... sim ao aborto... certo?

- tás parvo ou quê?!?

- desculpa...? agora não percebi...

- só se eu fosse maluco...!

- mas...

- é simples... para começar: que raio de ideia é essa que se fôr até ao fim, tenho toda a gente a foder-me os cornos "porque um homem tem que assumir", e "porque o fedelho precisa de um pai" e outras merdas do género... mas para parar a meio, aparentemente ninguém tem que me perguntar nada...!

- mas...

- e para acabar (que não tou com muita paciência para esta conversa): já não bastavam as caricaturas do barbudo com um naperon na mona, a porra da ópera do Mozart, as brilhantes citações do papa... mas a malta não tem mais nada para fazer do que provocar os árabes...?!?!?

it's never necessary to tell me that you think i'm right. we'll just... assume it...


i've done unbelievable things in the name of a faith that was never my own...

we all began as something else